What is DragonOS
DragonOS leverages the portability, security, and power of Lubuntu Linux as a delivery package and operating environment for a pre-installed suite of the most powerful and accessible open-source SDR software. DragonOS has verified support for various inexpensive and powerful SDR hardware, including RTL-SDR, HackRF One, LimeSDR, BladeRF, and many others. [1]
Supported Devices
Virtualized Virtualbox VMWare RaspberryPi Pi 3 Pi 4 Intel ARM
Install DragonOS
Download DragonOS
- SourceForge
- DragonOS_FocalX_R29.iso Torrent
Prepare USB with ISO file for Live Boot or Dual-Boot Options
You can decide what works best for you and your computer.
- You can boot DragonOS from the live image.
- You can install DragonOS in a dual-boot configuration alongside Windows, Mac OS, or Linux.
- DragonOS runs happily in a virtual machine using the downloaded ISO
DragonOS Guides
DragonOS is highly supported and has many guides and walkthroughs sorted by SDR or by action on the DragonOS YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9U2kaqhE716J2WNSTcOghg
This channel is best described as a project aimed at making it as easy as possible for someone new to Linux and SDRs to run either a live Linux distro or install Linux and be up and running with not only popular well, know, easily installed SDR software, but also more challenging to install and/or compile software. Combined with YouTube videos, it ensures everyone’s on the same page and can follow along.[4]
Aditonal Information
Source Forge DragonOS YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9U2kaqhE716J2WNSTcOghg Patreon Support
For Support or Questions:
cemaxecuter [@] protonmail Join the DragonOS Discord
Join the Dragon Chat @Elment - DragonOS Q&A - DragonOS Announcements
Change Log
Good to know - Will not install from DVD, burn ISO to USB w/ Etcher, etc.. - Before installing most GPU and WiFi drivers - sudo apt install dkms - Some USRP FPGAs have been removed to save space but can be downloaded w/the internet using sudo uhd_images_downloader - sudo uhd_images_downloader - New ground-up build on Lubuntu 22.04 - Crocodile Hunter and GsmEvil2 require python virtual environments. - included in /usr/src/crocodile hunter/src - included in /usr/src/gsmevil2 - open DragonOS_README in each directory for instructions on how to activate - SoapySDRServer is not enabled by default, either use SoapySDRServer cli or enable. - Run volk_profile from a terminal after install to increase GNU Radio performance - Disable Soapy w/ SDR++ module manager before using native hackRF plugin
- On some systems xlinrad64 seg faults (make sure you’re running it with sudo). You can try to rebuild it in the > directory w/ sudo ./configure && sudo make xlinrad64DragonOS_FocalX_R29 (February 19 2023)
Fixed Mariadb will now run on live boot OsmocomBB, CalypsoBTS, and AutoCalypsoBTS SoapyRTLSDR
Added Modmobmap (run installer in /usr/src/Modmobmap if android tools are needed) BladeRF 122Msps Support (/usr) Osmo-GMR (utils still need updated for GR 3.10) E200 SDR support to UHD (/usr) GR-Smart_Meters GR-Fhss-utils GR-Sandia-utils GR-Timing-Utils GR-PDU OpenBTS TempestSDR Ice9-bluetooth-sniffer (call from terminal w/ ice9-bluetooth)
Updated GR-GSM to Multi ARFCN branch Spike Signal Hound 3.8.9 GR-BladeRF w/ 122Msps Support SDR4Space 20230126 Hackrf-2023.01.1 (firmware is in /usr/src/firmware) Kernel Dsd-fme Kismet Hak5-wifi-coconut SDRTrunk v0.5.0 Final SatDump w/ Immarsat + BladeRF 122Msps SDRAngel 7.9.0 SDR++ 1.1.0-903 M17-Tools Mirage SigDigger BoatBod OP25 (3.10 branch) HackTV-GUI 2023-01-15 GR-Mixalot Fldigi-4.1.23 WhisperCPP (remember to sudo make clean && sudo make for optimization after install) SigDigger
Removed dkms (reinstall as needed, however, be aware it’ll install gcc12 to)
DragonOS_FocalX_R28 (December 23 2022) DragonOS_FocalX_R27.1 (November 14 2022) If you do not want to reinstall, install the files here https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1C3bdv-vuzfEBAO_jtDkHI5K_tIpBI9SI and unzip apt.zip in the /etc/ directory (only if you’re missing it and copy grgsm_decode to /usr/local/bin/ Added Sometimes missing /etc/apt directory after install grgsm_decode Updated Dumphfdl 1.4.0 DragonOS_FocalX_R27 (November 12 2022)
ACARS Decoder Aircrack-NG Airspy ADSB Apache2 Asterisk AutoCalypsoBTS Blue-hydra BlueWho BoatBod OP25 BTLE (hackRF + bladeRF) Bully 1.4 CalypsoBTS CBandHunter (/usr/src/gr-JAERO) Cesium 1.95 Chirp CleverJam DF Aggregator dumpHFDL dumpVDL2 ESPTool FALCON LTE Tool Flrig 1.4.7 Gnome-Firmware 41.0.1 GNU Radio 3.10.4 Gpredict GQRX 2.15.9 GQRX Scanner GR-AOA GR-BB60 (Signal Hound) GR-bladeRF GR-Dect2 GR-DJI_DroneID GR-DSD GR-Foo GR-Fosphor (benchmark tool gr-fosphor/lib/fosphor) GR-Funcube GR-GSM GR-IEEE802-11 GR-IEEE802-15-4 GR-Inspector GR-Iridium GR-JAERO GR-Lora_SDR GR-Mixalot GR-NRSC5 GR-NTSC-RC GR-Osmosdr/IQBal GR-Paint GR-RDS GR-RFTap GR-Satellites GR-SDRPlay3 GR-SM (Signal Hound) GR-VSG60 (Signal Hound) GridTracker v1.22.1016 GSMEvil2 hackRF 2022.09.1 libraries w/ shortcut to 2022.09.1 firmware hackRF-Spectrum-Analyzer HackTV w/ GUI Ham2Mon (usr/src) Hashcat Hcxdumptool Hcxtools IMSI Catcher Script Inotify-Tools 3.22.6 Inspectrum Iridium-ToolKit Iridium-ToolKit-Airframesio JAERO 1.1-de-11 (feeder ability) Js8call JTDX Kalibrate-hackRF v0.4.1 (kal-hackrf) Kalibrate-RTL v0.4.1 (kal) Kismet Kismet Rest API Kismon kisStatic2Mobile Larry Tetra Kit Libbtbb libhackRF 2022 Libre Office Writer/Calc LimeSuite/Firmware 2022 w/ Lime v2 support Linrad 05.01 w/ SDRPlay support (xlinrad in /usr/src/linrad) LinSSID LTE Cell Scanner (hackRF + rtlsdr) LuaRadio 0.10.0 M17-cxx-demo (/usr/src) M17-Gnuradio Macchanger 1.7 Meshtastic 1.3.40 Modem-Manager-GUI 0.20.3 Multimon-NG 1.1.9 Netcat Nmap NOAA APT 1.3.1 NRSC5 NRSC5-GUI Octave Octave-Signal OpenWebRX 1.2.1 (M17/DMR) Osmo-NITB Osmo-NITB-Scripts Osmo-NITB-Scripts (CalypsoBTS) PAT 0.12.1 Photon Map Pixiewps 1.4.2 PulseView Pyadi_iio Qalculate QCSuper QRadioLink Qspectrumanalyzer QSSTV 9.5.8 Qstdcdec (QT GUI Inmarsat-C Parser) Radio_tool 0.2.1 Reaver 1.6.5 ReconToCrack Retrogram-PlutoSDR Retrogram-RTLSDR Retrogram-SoapySDR RFCat RFHack RSPTCP Server (SDRPlay) RT_433 v21.12-159 RX_Tools SatDump w/ SDR++ source SCAT SDR++ 1.1.0-821 w/ Inmarsat-C and USRP plug-in SDR4Space SDRAngel 7.8.2-1 SDRReceiver 1.0 SDRTrunk v0.5.0 beta 5 SigDigger (October 11) Signal Server 3.21 Signal Server GUI Sigrok 0.2-5 SoapyAirspy (AST developed Fork) SoapyAirspyHF SoapyBladeRF SoapyHackRF SoapyLime SoapyMiri SoapyOsmosdr SoapyPlutoSDR SoapyRedpitaya SoapyRemote SoapyRfspace SoapyRtlsdr SoapySDRPlayV3 SoapyUHD SoapyVOLKConverters Sox 14.4.2 Sparrow-WiFi Spike (Signal Hound) 3.8.3 SpyServer srsGUI srsRAN 22.4.1 Stdcdec (Command line Inmarsat-C Parser) StillSuit STRF Tetra-Kit-Player in /usr/src (needs configured/npm installed) Tshark Ubertooth WFView 1.52 Wifi Coconut Wifite 2.6.0 WireGuard Tools 1.0.2 WireShark 3.6.2 Wpapcap2john Yate rc3
DragonOS_Focal_R25.1 (August 27 2022 - Steam Deck Support) Mainly meant to provide the ability to boot the Steam Deck Re-uploaded the ISO on the 28th after seeing it failed the first time
20.04.5 Kernel 5.15.0-46 Mesa
## DragonOS_Focal_R25 (August 6 2022 - DEF CON Edition) ## DragonOS_Focal_R24 (May 20 2022 - Drone Hunter) re-uploaded May 21 2022 w/ fix for iridium-toolkit #### Updated 5.15 Kernel SDR4space (now with working license support + new scripts) SDRTrunk v0.5.0-beta3 srsRAN 22_04 Gr-Soapy Gr-Iridium Gr-Satellites 4ccc027 SoapyRTLSDR SDR++ w/ new DSP Filters SDRAngel 7.0.1 (big UI changes, don’t be surprised by blank workspace) RFCat Kismet GQRX 2.15.9 Iridium-toolkit Iridium-toolkit-bkerler URH 2.9.3 Rtl_433 v 21.12 #### Added Ka9q-radio (usr/src - needs sudo make install + config) Sigover_injector (usr/src mkdir build/cmake/make but do not make install) Sigover_gen_sample (usr/src mkdir build/cmake/make but do not make install) Hackrf-Spectrum-Analyzer Octave Octave-signal dji_droneid w/ GR-DroneID + python tool for converting results Meshtastic (from pip3) QCSuper SCAT #### Removed Meshtastic standalone srsLTE-Sniffer (optional to add back)
DragonOS_Focal_R22.1 (March 26 2022)
Added package needed by Jaero
Package is also available here for those that already downloaded the Previous ISO https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sP4fK8MgrZqeErjRy36VFiwi6z80CxEk/view?usp=sharing
## DragonOS_Focal_R22 (March 26 2022) ## DragonOS_Focal_PublicR21 (January 27 2022) I know people like running a live ISO, so this is primarily meant to address a particular CVE, however, I figured I might as well go ahead and fix a couple other problems and update some packages. #### Fixed CVE-2021-4034 (can be ## Fixed on all previous builds with an apt upgrade) SDR++ deb package installs (corrected version of libzstd1 installed) #### Updated GQRX 2.15.8 SigDigger SDR++ Kismet
DragonOS_Focal_PublicR20 (CalypsoBTS / January 25 2022 )
GQRX shortcut SDR++ can now be ## Upgraded by using the official Focal SDRPP deb packages
Tetra-Kit-Player in /usr/src (needs npm installed) Libosmo-dsp CalypsoBTS w/ firmware + tools Osmocom-BB tools in /usr/src Esptool Chirp-daily (python2) Kismet rest api Kismon Osm-gps-maps Libreoffice writer Libreoffice calc Meshtastic Python API 1.2.58(standalone)
DumpVDL2 2.1.1 SigDigger w/ OpenGL SDRAngel 6.18.1 Kismet Rebuilt Crocodile Hunter GQRX 2.15.4 Larry Tetra Kit e9f93618 Kisstatic2mobile w/ latest Kismet support SDR++ w/ server capability
Abiword Gnumeric
## DragonOS_Focal_PublicR19 (December 24 2021) ## DragonOS_Focal_PublicR18 (October 31 2021) #### Upgraded SDRAngel v6.17.2 SigDigger 0.3.0 SDR++ v1.0.4+ w/ M17 decoder GQRX 2.14.6 SDR4space.lite w/ examples srsRAN 21_10 Libacars 2.1.3 #### Added GR-NFC SatDump r38+ - https://github.com/altillimity/SatDump Probequest - https://github.com/SkypLabs/probequest Strf - https://github.com/cbassa/strf (configure steps on GitHub need to be completed) Qfits for use with sattools Dumphfdl - https://github.com/szpajder/dumphfdl WFView from source - https://gitlab.com/eliggett/wfview RFsoapyfile - https://github.com/roseengineering/rfsoapyfile GR-Lora_SDR - https://github.com/tapparelj/gr-lora_sdr #### Fixed SigDigger Shortcuts for easy upgrades GSM Survey GUI Note Sattools was withheld due to size of package and remaining space left for disk image process. However, it can be ## Added by finishing the steps starting at “Clone and install sattools” here Https://github.com/cbassa/sattools. All dependencies, to include Qfits, are included in DragonOS Focal.
DragonOS_Focal_PublicR17 (Signal Server GUI / September 18 2021)
SDR++ v1.0.4 SDRAngel v6.16.5 SigDigger Kismet Retrogram-RTLSDR Cesium 1.85 Boatbod op25
Signal Server GUI w/ python3 virtual environment Photonmap Gr-Inspector (/usr/src) GR-Grnet
MMDVM IIO.py (allows PlutoSDR sink/source to work in GRC) YardStick One RFCat udev rules Airspy udev rules
## DragonOS_Focal_PublicR16 (DEFCON_29 / AUG 2021) ## DragonOS_Focal_PublicR15 (May 14 2021) #### Upgraded srsLTE to srsRan 21.04 w/ 5G SDRAngel 6.12.1 HackTV SDRPlusPlus Cesium 1.81 Kismet Nightly #### Added yellowShoes nrsc5 HD FM audio player kisStatic2Mobile Nzyme 1.1.0 HackTV Java GUI GR-PDU_Utils GR-FHSS_Utils GR-Timing_Utils GR-Sandia_Utils GR-Smart_Meters (may not work on virtual machines and some other platforms) Reveng-2.1.1 Fldigi Qsstv RX_Tools Ability to drop files onto DF-Aggregator’s Cesium View #### Fixed Signal Server station to station plots LTE-Cell-Scanner w/ RTLSDR install (hackRF in /usr/src/LTE-Cell-Scanner) #### Removed JMBE-1.0.4 + root/.gradle (saves 200MB+, but requires using Internet + SDRTrunk Menu option to pull down JMBE) Wrap-up of what’s all installed as of May 2021 #### Additional freqs to HackRF gr-dect2 .grc (usr/src/gr-dect2/grc) Aircrack-ng 1.6 Apache2 Asterisk BladeRF BladeRF ADSB w/ Dump1090 Mutability (/usr/src) BladeRF-Wiphy (usr/src/wiphy-build) Blue hydra Bluez BTLE w/ hackrf (can be recompiled for bladeRF) Crocodile Hunter CubicSDR 0.2.5 CubicSDR 0.2.6 (SDRPlay support) CubicSDR Rig Control (sdrplay support) DF-Aggregator Dumpvdl2 (SDRPlay support) FALCON GNU Radio 3.8 Gpredict Gqrx GQRX 2.14.4 GR-ADSB GR-AIR-Modes GR-AOA GR-Correctiq GR-DECT2 GR-DSD GR-Foo GR-GSM GR-ieee802-11 GR-ieee802-15-4 GR-IIO GR-Iridium GR-limesdr GR-Mixalot GR-NRSC5 GR-NTSC-RC GR-Paint38 GR-RDS GR-Satellites 3.4.0 (libfec, construct, requests, feh) GR-Soapy GR-Tempest GSMEvil2 HackRF 2021.03.1 HackTV IceCast2 (needs configured before starting) IMSI-catcher Inotify-tools Inspectrum Iridium-Toolkit IridiumLive Js8call 2.2.0 JTDX 2.2.0-rc155_2004 Kalibrate (HackRF) Kismet LeanSDR/LeanDVB LibACARS Libairspy-dev Libairspyhf Limesuite LimeSuite Gui LiquidSoap LTE-CELL-Scanner (/usr/src/LTE-CELL-Scanner) More shortcuts under “Other” mplayer Multimon-ng Nmap Noaa-apt 1.2.0-1 NRSC5 decoder for RTLSDR OP25 “Boatbod” (GNU Radio 3.8/Python3 testing /usr/src/op25/) OpenJDK 11 OpenWebRX Osmo-bsc Osmo-bts-trx Osmo-hlr Osmo-msc Osmo-NITB Osmo-NITB-Scripts (RougeBTS) Osmo-stp Osmo-trx-lms (LimeSDR support) Osmo-trx-uhd Php5 (Known to work with Yate) PySDR Qalculate Qradiolink QspectrumAnalyzer 2.1.0 Qt-DAB 3.5.2 (SDRPlay support) RDF-Sim Retrogram-rtlsdr Retrogram-soapysdr RFcat RFCrack RSP TCP Server (SDRPlay support) RTL_433 RTLSDR-Airband-3.1.0 Sdrangel SDRPlay 3.x API installer (optionally installed on login - located in /usr/src) SDRPlusPlus SdrTrunk v0.5.0-alpha6 ShinySDR waiting to be installed (usr/src/shinysdr) SigDigger 2.0 (SDRPlay support) Signal Server N90ZB w/ Web Interface by Dr. Bill Walker SoapySDR Airspy HF+ Soapysdr modules SoapySDRPlay SoapySDRServer Sparrow-Wifi Splat! SpyServer (usr/src/spyserver-linux-x64) srsRAN srsLTE-Sniffer (loop-catcher.sh in /usr/src/srsLTE-release_18_12/build/lib/examples) Tetra-kit “screen2tetra.sh” script in /usr/src/tetra-kit/recorder/wav Tetra-Kit (Larry) Trunk-Recorder Ubertooth 2020-12-R1 UHD Umurmur Universal Radio Hacker 2.9.1 VLC wireguard wireguard-tools Wireshark 3.2.3-1 WXJT-X v2.1.2 YATE YATE VOIP Phone YATEBTS
“Preview” ISO will be replaced once all testing/new tools are ## Added
Cesium 1.79.1 DF-Aggregator GR-ieee802-11 w/ HackRF Sink TX Flowgraph SDRAngel 6.8.0-1 Sparrow-Wifi Kismet HackRF 2021.03.1 LibhackRF/hackRF tools 2021.03.1 Ubertooth 2020-12-R1 Universal Radio Hacker 2.9.1
Signal Server N90ZB w/ Web Interface by Dr. Bill Walker Splat! SDRPlusPlus
## DragonOS_Focal_PublicR13 (March 10 2021) ## DragonOS_Focal_PublicR12 (FEB 6 2021) #### Upgraded DF-Aggregator w/ Offline capability RDF-Sim QRadioLink SDRAngel 6.5.1 Kismet git2021-01-30 w/ bladeRF-wiphy remote cap SDRAngel w/ SDRPlay support from source OpenWebRX 0.20.3 SoapySDRPlay Yate/YateBTS w/ BladeRF xA4 improvements Libbladerf/BladeRF FPGA #### Fixed Yate/YateBTS welcome.js BladeRF Manual Gain Settings #### Added BladeRF-Wiphy (usr/src/wiphy-build) BladeRF ADSB w/ Dump1090 Mutability (/usr/src) GR-NRSC5 NRSC5 decoder for RTLSDR RDF-Sim JTDX 2.2.0-rc155_2004 #### Additional freqs to HackRF gr-dect2 .grc (usr/src/gr-dect2/grc) Trunk-Recorder GR-AIR-Modes GR-DSD ShinySDR waiting to be installed (usr/src/shinysdr)
DragonOS_Focal_PublicR10 (JAN 7 2021)
GQRX 2.14.4 SDRAngel 6.4.0 Osmo-nitb-scripts (@NotPike) Sparrow-WiFi w/ FALCON tools + wpapcap2john OP25 “Boatbod”
DF-Aggregator CubicSDR Rig Control (sdrplay support) IceCast2 (needs configured before starting) LiquidSoap More shortcuts under “Other”
## DragonOS_Focal_PublicR9 (DEC 7 2020) ## DragonOS_Focal_PublicR8 (NOV 17 2020) #### Upgraded srsLTE 20.10 SDRAngel v6.0.0 SDRAngel v6.0.0 (sdrplay support) QRadioLink Gqrx SDR 2.13.5 NOAA-APT 1.3.0 Crocodile Hunter #### Fixed Gnuradio 3.8 XMLRPC Client/Server block templates Constant Lubuntu update/upgrade notifier pop-up (Disabled) #### Removed Naund BladeRF PPA (Disabled)
DragonOS_Focal_PublicR7 (NOV 1 2020)
Skipped R6 and straight to Lucky #7
SDRAngel v4.21.0 SDRAngel v4.21.0+(sdrplay support) OpenWebRX 20.0 (usr/src/openwebrx-0.20.0) QRadioLink SDRTrunk v0.5.0 alpha 6
Offline/No Internet UEFI install (I must have broke this and not realized it) URH LimeSDR compatibility GR-Lora
MyriadRF PPA (Disabled)
## DragonOS_Focal_PublicR5 (OCT 27 2020) ## DragonOS_Focal_PublicR4 (OCT 15 2020) #### Upgraded SDRAngel 4.20.0 w/ 802.15.4 modulator srsLTE 20.04.2 #### Added Libairspyhf SoapySDR Airspy HF+ Qradiolink Umurmur wireguard wireguard-tools srsLTE-Sniffer (loop-catcher.sh in /usr/src/srsLTE-release_18_12/build/lib/examples) #### Fixed Osmo-NITB scripts Osmo-Sip-Connector Optimizing and making room for additional software Wrap-up of what’s all installed as of OCT 15 2020 srsLTE (source 20.04.2) Sparrow-Wifi Sdrangel 4.20.0 Universal Radio Hacker 2.8.9 CubicSDR 0.2.5 CubicSDR 0.2.6 (SDRPlay support) QspectrumAnalyzer 2.1.0 OpenJDK 11 Inspectrum SdrTrunk v0.5.0-alpha3 LimeSuite Gui JBME 1.0.4 Gpredict HackTV Gqrx Limesuite Soapysdr modules SoapySDRServer Nmap Aircrack-ng 1.6 VLC Kismet 2020-09-R4 Qalculate RTL_433 Wireshark 3.2.3-1 Bluez Blue hydra Ubertooth 2018.12.R1-4 HackRF 2018.01.1-2 UHD BladeRF LTE-CELL-Scanner v2 (/usr/src/LTE-CELL-Scanner-v2/build/src/) Multimon-ng GNU Radio 3.8 GR-IIO GR-Tempest GR-Soapy GR-Iridium GR-RDS GR-DECT2 GR-Paint38 GR-GSM GR-Correctiq SDRPlay 3.x API installer (optionally installed on login - located in /usr/src) SoapySDRPlay OpenWebRX v.0.20 Tetra-Kit (Larry) Iridium-Toolkit SigDigger 2.0 (SDRPlay support) Kalibrate (HackRF) LeanSDR/LeanDVB Retrogram-rtlsdr Retrogram-soapysdr IMSI-catcher mplayer Composable-SDR AppImage with SDRPlay support (/usr/src/Soapy_SDR-x86_64) SpyServer (usr/src/spyserver-linux-x64) Noaa-apt 1.2.0-1 WXJT-X v2.1.2 Qt-DAB 3.5.2 (SDRPlay support) IridiumLive RFcat GSMEvil2 Inotify-tools Asterisk Osmo-NITB Osmo-NITB-Scripts (RougeBTS) Crocodile Hunter Osmo-trx-lms (LimeSDR support) GR-limesdr Osmo-bts-trx Osmo-trx-uhd Osmo-stp Osmo-msc Osmo-hlr Osmo-bsc Dumpvdl2 (SDRPlay support) LibACARS RSP TCP Server (SDRPlay support) RTLSDR-Airband-3.1.0 Js8call 2.2.0 Libairspy-dev GR-Foo GR-ieee802-11 GR-ieee802-15-4 GR-ADSB GR-Satellites 3.4.0 (libfec, construct, requests, feh) Libairspyhf SoapySDR Airspy HF+ Qradiolink Umurmur wireguard wireguard-tools srsLTE-Sniffer (loop-catcher.sh in /usr/src/srsLTE-release_18_12/build/lib/examples) Archive
DragonOS_Focal_PublicBeta (July 4 2020)
srsLTE (source 20.04.1) Sparrow-Wifi Sdrangel 4.14.13 Universal Radio Hacker 2.8.8 CubicSDR 0.2.5 CubicSDR 0.2.6 (SDRPlay support) QspectrumAnalyzer 2.1.0 OpenJDK 11 Inspectrum SDRTrunk 0.4.0 final LimeSuite Gui JBME 1.0.4 Gpredict HackTV Gqrx Limesuite Soapysdr modules SoapySDRServer Nmap Aircrack-ng 1.6 VLC Kismet 2020-03-R1 Qalculate RTL_433 Wireshark 3.2.3-1 Bluez Blue hydra Ubertooth 2018.12.R1-4 HackRF 2018.01.1-2 UHD BladeRF LTE-CELL-Scanner LTE-CELL-Scanner v2 (/usr/src/LTE-CELL-Scanner-v2/build/src/) Multimon-ng GNU Radio 3.8 GR-IIO GR-Tempest GR-Soapy GR-Iridium GR-RDS GR-DECT2 GR-Paint38 GR-GSM GR-Correctiq SDRPlay 3.x API installer (optionally installed on login - located in /usr/src) SoapySDRPlay OpenWebRX Tetra-Kit (Larry) Iridium-Toolkit SigDigger (SDRPlay support) Kalibrate (HackRF) LeanSDR/LeanDVB Retrogram-rtlsdr Retrogram-soapysdr Spike 3.5.6 (beta signal hound support) IMSI-catcher mplayer Composable-SDR AppImage with SDRPlay support (/usr/src/Soapy_SDR-x86_64) SpyServer (usr/src/spyserver-linux-x64) Noaa-apt 1.2.0-1 WXJT-X v2.1.2 Qt-DAB 3.4.2 (SDRPlay support)
Not installed and/or available yet
Zenmap ShinySDR chirp Rfcat RfCrack WXtoImg Auto137 RTLSDR-Airband LibACARS ACARSDeco2 DumpVDL2 Linrad RSP TCP Server for SDRPlay Osmo-bts-trx Osmo-trx-lms Osmo-trx-uhd Osmo-stp Osmo-msc Osmo-hlr Osmo-bsc Osmo-mgw OP25