

After the results of the open survey to the irregularchat group :

The Selected Audience Is: 1. Command Leadership 2. pending_survey 3. pending_survey 4. pending_survey 5. pending_survey

The Top Formats were: 1. White paper 2. Article 3. Email

The Top Topics: 1. pending_survey 2. pending_survey 3. pending_survey

Organizing Questions

Which platform: (Which platform to use)

.. does everyone have access to it?


US Army Teams

COTS (cryptpad, google, etc.)

.. can contain the appropriate classification for this topic?

What limitations does the group have?



Deadline or Opportune Time to Publish?

The selected Target Audience:

Where do they consume media?

Who influences them

What are their goals

Research Planning

The Shared Situation

Common gaps

Common requirements

Common successes

What facilitated these successes?

What has our Target Audience done to enable these successes?

Common Failures

What caused these failures?

What could our Target Audience have done to prevent these failures?

Target Audience Analysis

What actions does our Target Audience have to enable this Topic

What capability limitations does our Target Audience have:




How knowledgeable is the Target Audience about this topic?

Thesis / Argument

What is our thesis

What actions would facilitate our thesis?


Which Doctrine and Policy: (Which Doctrine and Policy to reference)

.. Contains the most relevant content about the topic?

.. is no longer updated about this topic?

.. covers this topic but is not yet approved?

Which Books, Journals, and Articles:

Agree with our Argument

What are these agreements

What references were used

Is our Target Audience exposed to these works

Disagree with our Argument

What are these disagreements

What types of organizations and situations were analyzed

What is different about our situation?


Which units / who has tried something similar to our arguments?

What is the supply line style breakdown of our arguments