Service - email - Poste

SMTP + IMAP + POP3 + Antispam + Antivirus
Web administration + Web email
…on your server in ~5 minutes

Server Set Up

## Create an Instance

!Cloud Instance Setup#Azure

SSH Into Server

Mount Storage persistently

!Linux Server Storage

Set up a Server for Docker

!Linux Server Initial Setup#With Docker

Run Poste Docker

<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">sudo docker pull analogic/ sudo docker run --net=host -e TZ=America/New_York -v $HOME/datadrive/var/mailserver/data:/data --name "mailserver" --restart always -h "" -t analogic/</syntaxhighlight>

Ports Explained

Inbound Rules:

The following ports need to be open for incoming connections:

Ports that are opened by

Port number Purpose
25 SMTP - mostly processing incoming mails from remote mail servers
80 HTTP - redirect to https (see options) and authentication for Let’s encrypt service
110 POP3 - standard protocol for accessing mailbox, STARTTLS is required before client auth
143 IMAP - standard protocol for accessing mailbox, STARTTLS is required before client auth
443 HTTPS - access to administration or webmail client
465 SMTPS - Legacy SMTPs port
587 MSA - SMTP port primarily used by email clients after STARTTLS and auth
993 IMAPS - alternative port for IMAP with encryption from the start of the connection
995 POP3S - POP3 port with encryption from the start of the connection
4190 Sieve - remote sieve settings