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Outdoor Chat Community

We like gardening, fieldcraft, apocalypse survival, dogs, cats, eating other animals, memes, guns, etc.

Community Guides and Recommendations

Areas of Interest

Soldier Recovery Barracks (Fort Liberty): memorial gardens, pollinator gardens, vegetable gardens, basketball court, rainwater collection, solar panels, wind chimes, bird houses

Resources for Gardening

Chip Drop About: We help gardeners get free wood chip mulch deliveries. > You won’t get any notice before a delivery. Woodchips will contain lots of leaves and pine needles in them. Each delivery is about 20 cubic yards. You must take the entire dump truck load. If you want to cancel, you must do it on this website before a delivery is on the way. If you request logs, they will be very large. You’ll need splitting tools and a chainsaw. We can’t move or remove material after it’s delivered.

By State

NC-Vegetable-Planting-Guide.pdf NC-Vegetable-Planting-Guide