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PMESII-PT Framework

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The PMESII-PT framework is a comprehensive analytical tool used by military planners to assess the operational environment by examining seven key domains: Political, Military, Economic, Social, Information, Infrastructure, Physical Terrain, and Time. It is often applied when conducting operations in foreign regions, especially in the context of joint, interagency, or multinational operations. The framework helps identify critical factors across multiple domains that could impact the mission.

When applying PMESII-PT, planners should consider three key perspectives: friendly forces, enemy forces, and the host nation (which could be friendly, neutral, or adversarial).

Joint Publication 5-0 briefly covers PMESII-PT, emphasizing its role in understanding the operational environment and supporting decision-making processes.

Focused COG-Centric PMESII-PT

First, a Center of Gravity (COG) analysis must be completed to identify critical vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities should be prioritized and then weighed against the PMESII-PT factors.

As you research these PMESII-PT factors, continuously update both the COG analysis and PMESII-PT assessment as new information emerges. This iterative approach ensures that you capture all relevant details and their potential impact on operations.

For each PMESII-PT factor, consider the following:

  1. How does the PMESII-PT factor impact the Critical Vulnerability (CV)?
  2. How does the CV impact the PMESII-PT factor?
  3. How would the PMESII-PT factor be affected if the CV were mitigated or removed?
  4. How would the CV be impacted if the PMESII-PT factor were changed?

Broad Country or Area Research

In this framework, "Country1" refers to friendly forces, "CountryA" refers to the host nation, and "CountryX" refers to the adversary.

Once the PMESII-PT analysis is complete, you can assess how each factor influences the COG and adjust the strategy accordingly.

PMESII-PT Analysis for CountryA and CountryX


  • **CountryX's Political Influence in CountryA**:
* Identify political alliances or alignments between CountryX and key political figures or parties in CountryA.
 * Assess how CountryX leverages political influence within CountryA through lobbying, advocacy, or covert operations.
 * Example: "alliances established by CountryX in CountryA"
  • **Political Resistance to CountryX**:
 * Identify political resistance or nationalistic groups in CountryA that oppose CountryX’s interference.
 * Evaluate the impact of international sanctions or diplomatic efforts that limit CountryX’s actions.
 * Example: "opposition to CountryX's foreign policy in CountryA"
  • **Country1's Diplomatic Efforts in CountryA**:
 * Review Country1’s diplomatic engagements, such as bilateral treaties or governance support programs, aimed at strengthening its position in CountryA.
 * Example: "Country1 diplomatic efforts in CountryA"
  • **Challenges to Country1's Political Strategy**:
 * Analyze how anti-Country1 sentiment in CountryA or regional alliances may hinder Country1’s influence.
 * Example: "public opinion of Country1 in CountryA"


  • **CountryX's Military Relationships in CountryA**:
 * Assess military cooperation between CountryX and CountryA, including joint training exercises or military aid.
 * Evaluate the presence of military advisors from CountryX in CountryA or recent arms sales.
 * Example: "military cooperation between CountryX and CountryA"
  • **Country1's Military Posture in CountryA**:
 * Review Country1's defense cooperation agreements with CountryA, including any joint exercises or military assistance programs.
 * Example: "strategic defense agreements between Country1 and CountryA"


  • **CountryX's Economic Influence in CountryA**:
 * Identify trade agreements or economic dependencies between CountryA and CountryX that give CountryX leverage.
 * Example: "economic influence of CountryX in CountryA"
  • **Country1's Economic Strategy in CountryA**:
 * Review Country1's investments in infrastructure, development aid, and trade policies that strengthen economic ties with CountryA.
 * Example: "foreign investment from Country1 in CountryA"


  • **CountryX’s Social Influence in CountryA**:
 * Assess social programs, cultural exchanges, or educational initiatives sponsored by CountryX to build influence in CountryA.
 * Example: "cultural diplomacy by CountryX in CountryA"
  • **Country1’s Social Initiatives in CountryA**:
 * Review Country1's support for education, healthcare, and welfare initiatives that align with its strategic objectives in CountryA.
 * Example: "Country1's social development initiatives in CountryA"


  • **CountryX’s Information Operations in CountryA**:
 * Analyze CountryX’s strategic narratives and propaganda efforts aimed at destabilizing CountryA or swaying public opinion.
 * Example: "CountryX misinformation campaigns in CountryA"
  • **Country1’s Counter-Information Efforts**:
 * Evaluate the effectiveness of Country1’s media campaigns designed to counter CountryX’s disinformation.
 * Example: "Country1 counter-propaganda efforts in CountryA"


  • **CountryX’s Involvement in CountryA's Infrastructure**:
 * Review key infrastructure projects in sectors like energy or telecommunications that are backed by CountryX.
 * Example: "CountryX infrastructure investments in CountryA"
  • **Country1’s Role in CountryA's Infrastructure Development**:
 * Analyze how Country1 contributes to infrastructure improvements that promote economic stability and enhance its influence in CountryA.
 * Example: "Country1's infrastructure projects in CountryA"

Physical Terrain

  • **Strategic Terrain in CountryA**:
 * Identify key terrain features such as chokepoints or resource-rich areas that are critical to CountryX’s or Country1’s strategic interests.
 * Example: "strategic terrain feature of CountryA impacting CountryX or Country1 operations"


  • **Weather Impact on Operations**:
 * Assess how seasonal weather patterns in CountryA (e.g., rainy or dry seasons) affect military or logistical operations for both CountryX and Country1.
 * Example: "weather impact on operations in CountryA"
  • **Exploiting National Holidays for Strategic Advantage**:
 * Analyze how CountryX or Country1 might exploit national holidays or cultural events in CountryA to bolster or disrupt public sentiment.
 * Example: "strategic timing of operations around national holidays in CountryA"

Best Practices for PMESII-PT

  • **Iterative Process**: Continuously update the PMESII-PT analysis as new intelligence and operational changes emerge.
  • **Collaborative Efforts**: Involve subject matter experts from diplomatic, military, economic, and informational sectors to provide a holistic view.
  • **Integration with COG Analysis**: Ensure that PMESII-PT analysis is integrated with COG analysis to identify how vulnerabilities in one domain could impact the overall mission.
