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Location Tracking

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Tracking Objects

with Some Physical Access

Link to Prevention, Detection, and Defense against this method: tracking-prevention


In the past, we used a magnetic square due to its size and wrapped it with black shrink wrap. Alternatively, you could use black electrical tape, but it tends to make a mess when changing the battery. Just disable the speaker 🔈, and it works great 👍. Place the Airtag behind the license plate for the best reception and security of the device.

Research by MITRE and the Naval Academy has significantly advanced the field, much of which is publicly available. Here are some resources and tools developed from this research:

Initial research and tools can be found in this repository: Airtag Research, which includes links to academic articles like this ACM publication. Privacy concerns and device cloning are discussed in detail on Hackaday: No Privacy: Cloning the Airtag.

  • Additional tools and projects for tracking and detecting Airtags include:

Find You by Positive Security OpenHaystack by Seemoo Lab The latest Android versions allow Airtag scans, supplemented by apps like AirGuard for Android users. CreepDetector which is discussed in this Security Tools podcast episode.