MediaWiki for Communities of Interest

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Is MediaWiki the Right Choice

Considerations Before You Start

  • Consider whether your community has permanent file storage when determining whether to allow PDFs and other file types and increasing the file size on the media wiki.
  • You'll likely want to customize the wiki name and logo. You should also consider customizing terms and privacy agreements.

Configuring MediaWiki

Customizing the MediaWiki

You'll likely want to customize the wiki name and logo. You should also consider customizing terms and privacy agreements.

File Uploads

When determining whether to allow PDFs and other file types and increasing the file size on the media wiki, consider whether your community has permanent file storage.

Extensions to Consider

API Integration

Enabling Identity Management

Enabling 3D Model Uploads

This page provides instructions on enabling the upload and display of 3D model files (STL format) on this MediaWiki instance using the 3D and 3d2png extensions. It includes setting up the necessary extensions and configurations for handling and rendering 3D files.


Before uploading 3D model files, ensure the following extensions are installed:

  • 3D Extension (For STL file upload)
  • 3d2png (For thumbnail rendering of 3D models)
  • VisualEditor (Optional but recommended for an enhanced editing experience)

Installation and Configuration

1. Allow 3D File Uploads

Add the following lines to your `LocalSettings.php` file to enable STL file uploads:

$wgTrustedMediaFormats[] = 'application/sla';
$wgFileExtensions[] = 'stl';

2. Install the 3D Extension

Download and install the 3D extension by cloning the repository:

cd /var/www/html/extensions
git clone -b REL1_42

After that, load the extension by adding this to the `LocalSettings.php` file:


3. Install the 3d2png Extension (for thumbnail rendering)

Clone the 3d2png repository, install dependencies, and configure:

git clone -b REL1_42
cd 3d2png
npm install

Update `LocalSettings.php` to tell the 3D extension how to call the thumbnail generator:


If you encounter issues during the setup, ensure the following:

  • Ensure **xvfb** and other X11 dependencies are installed using the following command:
apt-get install libx11-dev libxi-dev libxext-dev xvfb libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev freeglut3-dev mesa-common-dev
  • Check for missing dependencies or errors in the JavaScript libraries during `npm install`.
  • If NPM install doesn't work this may fix it. Make sure that the version of these repos cloned matches with the version of media wiki you are running.
    • git clone -b REL1_42 for mediawiki 1.42.*
$wg3dProcessor = [
    '-ac -screen 0 1280x1024x24',

4. Optional: Install MultimediaViewer Extension

For better interaction with 3D models (move, pan, zoom), install the MultimediaViewer extension and add the following configuration to `LocalSettings.php`:

$wgMediaViewerExtensions['stl'] = 'mmv.3d';

Usage Instructions

Once the extensions are installed and configured:

1. Upload 3D Model Files

Navigate to the [Special:Upload](Special:Upload) page and upload your `.stl` files.

2. View 3D Models

Uploaded 3D models will be displayed interactively on their file pages. Thumbnails will be automatically generated using the `3d2png` service.